Русская версия
The proceedings "Actual problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space" is included in SAC list.
Annually starting from the year 2003 the Space Research Institute supported by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the Federal Space Agency has been organizing All-Russian Conferences devoted to “Actual problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space”.
Since 2004 these Conferences have been called OPEN cause not only Russian scientists but also specialists from the leading research centres in Ukraine,Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia as well as in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Mongolia and Bulgaria participate in it.
The institutions listed below also play an important role in the Conference arranging and holding: the Space Council of RAS, the Center for Problems of Ecology and Poductivity of Forests of RAS, the Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS, the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of RAS, Siberian Branch (SB), P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS), Ugra Research Institute of Information Technologies, the Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Joint Stock Company «Russian Space Systems» of the Russian Federal Space Agency, the Research Centre for Earth Operative Monitoring of the Russian Federal Space Agency, the Scientific Research Centre of Space Hydrometeorology "Planeta", the Main computer centre of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and other leading organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, of the Russian Federal Space Agency, of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. The Programme Committee is headed by a member and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Laverov N.P.
More than 400 scientists and more than 100 Russian and foreign entities take part in the Conference annually. The current issues on space remote sensing of the Earth related to the control of land surface, ocean and atmosphere condition and monitoring of flora life are discussed at the Conference, the listed fields of research being represented:
- physical principals of the development of remote sensing systems and methods;
- methods, algorithms and technologies for collection, processing, archiving and dissemination of the Earth remote sensing data;
- systems for environmental, natural and anthropogenic objects monitoring;
- remote sensing survey in geology and geophysics;
- remote sensing of vegetation and soil;
- remote sensing investigation of the ocean and inland ice cover;
- remote sensing study of atmospheric processes;
- satellite exploration of ionosphere.
Since 2005 in the framework of the Conference there has been set up the School for young researchers where the leading Russian and international scientists run review lectures on actual problems concerning the development of the Earth remote sensing systems and methods and on using technologies of satellite monitoring of the Earth for solving fundamental and practical problems. The best reports are published in the symposium «Actual problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space».
In 2005, 2006, 2007 the Conference was financially supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grants 05-05-74093-г, 06-05-74085-г, 07-05-06105-г).